What is it that compels fans to rail against those men in white?
Some, like tabloid hacksticle Mark Robinson, would say it's simply the fact they're an easy target. Wrong.
Some would say it's because they're simply there. Wrong.
Others would say it's because they make decisions that can and do directly impact on the outcomes of games. Correct.
Couple that with the fact the Capitalist Running Dogs down at AFL Headquarters ensure that virtually no public comment can be made about the petit paddock policemen and you have the fixings of a good old fashion furore.
Some would say it's because they're simply there. Wrong.
Others would say it's because they make decisions that can and do directly impact on the outcomes of games. Correct.
Couple that with the fact the Capitalist Running Dogs down at AFL Headquarters ensure that virtually no public comment can be made about the petit paddock policemen and you have the fixings of a good old fashion furore.
The utter frustration and vehement anger that is derived from incorrect or puzzling scumpiring decisions is something very real and a testament to the passion of those fans and players involved. It also indicates a great failure on the part of the media and the dark hands at AFL HQ.
Cries of "Umpires are only human " or "It is the fault of the rules committee and the umpires department for creating rubbish rules and then asking the umpires to interpret them in certain ways" often ring out in the nations footballing media. The Arc only partially subscribes to this chorus of insipid excuse making from a bleating pack of retards that serve up what can loosely be described as journalism.
The ARC does agree that the majority of the blame needs to be squarely levelled at the AFL, the rules committee and, the fuhrer of the petit-despots, Jeff Gieschen. But the petit-despots do not get off so lightly. It takes a certain type of person to become an umpire, something that the Arc shall analyse in another entry.
The child eating slugs of capital down at the AFL go to great lengths to protect the 'integrity' of umpires. It legislates in order to suppress dissent from those inside the game, coaches, players, club presidents. Indeed in April this year the anger and hatred(lets not shy away from saying what needs to be said for the Arc shall never cower in the face of totalitarianism dressed as democracy) directed towards the petit-despots reached unrivaled proportions with Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett declaring that umpires were "becoming bigger than the game". In response the AFL insisted that Kennett attend umpire school or the club would face a fine of $5000. However Kennett was unrepentant and refused to be brow beaten by the fascists at AFL House and chose to pay the fine out of his own pocket rather than having to attend umpire school.
For the corrupt and illegitimate AFL this was bad news because Kennett's actions had the effect of mobilising public dissent with supporters finally having someone with enough profile willing to air views that mirrored their own (despite the AFL's attempt at suppressing free speech and silencing dissent). Talk back radio stations and letters to the editor all over the country rang out with hails of support for fascist Kennett and his views on the petit-despots.
Kennett succeeded in making the AFL look weak; he waved the AFL's policy on umpires in their face and made them look as stupid as a Robert Walls comment sounds (as the Arc does whenever it makes comment on that foul and sinister organisation. Walls needs no help). The AFL should have known better than to tangle with a consummate political operator. It was a battle it could never win because Kennett's view found a huge ground swell off support and encouraged a wave of dissent. For that, the Arc applauds Kennett; but only for that, he still remains a representative of a parasitic class so vile as to almost place him at the same level as Demetriou and Anderson.
The amount of dissent shocked the oligarchy at the AFL so much so that it retreated. It retreated to a defensive position where it could weather the storm of public outrage. The AFL felt the sting of something that it has little or no control over; collective action; and it feared it. In the face of such anger the AFL did what any parasite does; it convinced those that it exploits that it had solved the problem.
The Arc has learned through dispatches that the AFL issued a secret edict whereby the petit-despots were instructed to 'put the whistle away'(which, as the Arc suspects, would have made the Giesch see red considering he clearly feels that umpires are a part of the game and should be seen and heard) until the dust from the dissent settles.
The Arc welcomes this edict for the football of the last few weeks has been fast, free flowing and devoid of those fuckballs with the whistle paying ludicrous free kicks which no one understands. However like so many issues, the AFL has handled it in a non-transparent and dark manner and is just one of the reasons the Arc of Infinity does not recognise the AFL. We all know that when the heat goes off the befanged warriors of darkness at AFL House will once again instruct the Giesch, and his troop of power mad gangsters, to umpire the game in a shameful way.
The Arc in its capacity as the keeper of the Sacred Parchments of the Australian Game will be ever vigilant and do all in its power to bring the corrupt and shadowy ravens of the other world to justice.
The child eating slugs of capital down at the AFL go to great lengths to protect the 'integrity' of umpires. It legislates in order to suppress dissent from those inside the game, coaches, players, club presidents. Indeed in April this year the anger and hatred(lets not shy away from saying what needs to be said for the Arc shall never cower in the face of totalitarianism dressed as democracy) directed towards the petit-despots reached unrivaled proportions with Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett declaring that umpires were "becoming bigger than the game". In response the AFL insisted that Kennett attend umpire school or the club would face a fine of $5000. However Kennett was unrepentant and refused to be brow beaten by the fascists at AFL House and chose to pay the fine out of his own pocket rather than having to attend umpire school.
For the corrupt and illegitimate AFL this was bad news because Kennett's actions had the effect of mobilising public dissent with supporters finally having someone with enough profile willing to air views that mirrored their own (despite the AFL's attempt at suppressing free speech and silencing dissent). Talk back radio stations and letters to the editor all over the country rang out with hails of support for fascist Kennett and his views on the petit-despots.
Kennett succeeded in making the AFL look weak; he waved the AFL's policy on umpires in their face and made them look as stupid as a Robert Walls comment sounds (as the Arc does whenever it makes comment on that foul and sinister organisation. Walls needs no help). The AFL should have known better than to tangle with a consummate political operator. It was a battle it could never win because Kennett's view found a huge ground swell off support and encouraged a wave of dissent. For that, the Arc applauds Kennett; but only for that, he still remains a representative of a parasitic class so vile as to almost place him at the same level as Demetriou and Anderson.
The amount of dissent shocked the oligarchy at the AFL so much so that it retreated. It retreated to a defensive position where it could weather the storm of public outrage. The AFL felt the sting of something that it has little or no control over; collective action; and it feared it. In the face of such anger the AFL did what any parasite does; it convinced those that it exploits that it had solved the problem.
The Arc has learned through dispatches that the AFL issued a secret edict whereby the petit-despots were instructed to 'put the whistle away'(which, as the Arc suspects, would have made the Giesch see red considering he clearly feels that umpires are a part of the game and should be seen and heard) until the dust from the dissent settles.
The Arc welcomes this edict for the football of the last few weeks has been fast, free flowing and devoid of those fuckballs with the whistle paying ludicrous free kicks which no one understands. However like so many issues, the AFL has handled it in a non-transparent and dark manner and is just one of the reasons the Arc of Infinity does not recognise the AFL. We all know that when the heat goes off the befanged warriors of darkness at AFL House will once again instruct the Giesch, and his troop of power mad gangsters, to umpire the game in a shameful way.
The Arc in its capacity as the keeper of the Sacred Parchments of the Australian Game will be ever vigilant and do all in its power to bring the corrupt and shadowy ravens of the other world to justice.
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