Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Arc's Big Footy ban a victory for Nazism

by Junior Vice President of Gut Running Foxy Malmsteen

The withering intellect and candid honesty of The Arc has intimidated, mesmerized and confounded many since it's glorious formation. Yet the truth is the Arc is not designed to frighten - but enlighten, a phrase that not only encapsulates their charter but would also make an excellent pop song should the Arc ever wish to put their not inconsiderable musical gifts towards that end.

Sure the Arc can be known to use the occasional stern phrase in appraising umpiring decisions, AFL house mandates and the existence of Simon Wiggins, however it is up to the subject of these criticisms to respond accordingly. By acknowledging the Arc's superior knowledge in the particular area/s and changing their behaviour accordingly a suitable outcome may be reached satisfactory to all parties.

Which brings us to popular AFL forum BigFooty. The Arc looks kindly on BigFooty's endeavours - fostering dialogue and debate on the game we all love - and sees it as a watered down, mildly retarded, half cocked version of the Arc itself only with drivel and o.c. disorders instead of acumen and prescience.

So you can imagine the Arc's collective shock when their newly formed BigFooty identity was banned after a mere handfull of typically forthright and enlightening posts. Grand Beard Neustead attempted reasoning with the petty despot moderators. However, their jack booted ignorance was not to be swayed. As a result - an entire community of mouth breathing train spotters are left to wallow in a sea of mediocrity whilst an invasion fleet of sagacity floats by.

Just like the 1933 Nazi book burnings and the pulping of 300 copies of Max Walker's Caps, Hats and Helmets in November last year, this unsavoury incident is a victory for stupidity over awsomeness and it will not do.

BigFooty has not heard the last of the Arc.

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