By Arc Maven for Truth in Umpiring, Withingcleak Clitherswhistle
Of all the things that can raise the ire of The Arc the one that incites a burst of red ragged hatred are umpires paying dumb, dumb, dumb, bureaucratic free kicks based on an event that has no bearing on the game. What also enrages The Arc even further is when dumb autocratic fucks like Jeff Gieschen attempt to mollify public outrage by claiming the contentious decision ‘was there’.
Of course I’m talking about the outrageous free kick paid against Sydney’s Shane Mumford for lovingly touching North’s David Hale before a ruck contest at the venue with a roof in round 4. The Arc firmly concurs with Gerard Healey on the matter when he said of the incident it was merely “basic ruck work” and indeed it was. Umpire Matthew Nicholls (or cockhead as The Arc refers to him) needs a stiff rooting for paying such a ludicrous free kick for an ‘incident’ that would have had no bearing on the game (unlike the goal Hale kicked as a result of the pathetic free awarded him).
The Arc challenges the pathetic running dog of the AFL , Gieschen, to instruct his little band of gangsters not to pay such ludicrous free kicks in the name of what basically amounts to ‘administrative process’ and let the game flow as it is set out in the Sacred Parchments. He should also give up trying to justify decisions that are dumb and should not have been paid in the first instance in order to make it appear that his little band of petty despots never get it wrong. He also needs to instruct the police to place ‘Razor’ Ray Chamberlain back on the sex offenders register.
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