Bloggage By Jaso Fontaine - Arc Peoples Correspondent.
Late last week the Arc offices received a call from a guy called Jason Evans. A lot of you chumps may not know who this chap is and I would be lying if I said the Arc had a clue who this bloke was. This Jason Evans person is the creator/organiser of the Community Cup, a charity event that pitches musos and staff of the Esplanade Hotel agains the those hipsters from from RRR and PBS radio stations in an all out battle for glory on the Australian Game field.
Evo called the Arc and asked if there was a possibility that the Arc as a collective or one of the members could possibly attend the event, judge awards for best on ground, just be there as sign of hope to the 10,000 or so people who turned up and as an inspiration t those who would take the field. As I am the Outposted Melbourne Officer of The Arc of Infinity I took great pride in representing the Arc at the event. Although I did decline the offer to judge best afield and passed that duty on to Rohan Connely of The Age as the Arc only passes judgment on the filth down at AFL HQ and of course others that may wrong us intentionally or unintentionally. You all think Kevin Rudd was dumped because Labor Factions wanted it so?.....Fools.
Without a hint of irony I have to report the Arc could not approve of this event any more if it wanted to. It gets a massive and thunderous wax seal of approval slammed on one the Arc's official approval parchments.
This game embodied almost everything the Arc believes the Australian Game is; a game for the people; it was under officiated; it had women umpires who let the game flow; it had people playing the game that looked like footballers; hair, beards, head bands, big guts; there was mud; they kicked the ball and tried not to handball it; there were numerous streakers and most importantly the PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED ON THE GROUND AT EVERY BREAK TO KICK THE BALL AROUND!
What a glorious sight it was to see hundreds of balls flying through the air at one time. People being unexpectedly hit in the head with errant balls, people being violently knocked to the ground as THE PEOPLE flew against each other in contests.
This event and its organisers received something from the people that the scum at the AFL will never have. A grade, prime fucking respect.
Hey Demetriou you fucking capitalist ball bag, give us the game back and while you're at it put Razor Ray Chamberlain back on the sex offenders register!